Our Always Earning Journey!

Thank you to Chase Freedom Unlimited for collaborating with me on this series of posts. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

I am so excited to announce that over the next few months, I'll be teaming up with Chase and the Chase Freedom Unlimited card to tackle a lifestyle change for Justin and me. When Chase Freedom Unlimited reached out and challenged us to work together to create and share our Always Earning journey, we jumped at the chance. 

As parents of two young children, we consider ourselves to be fairly responsible on the spending front. We can (and do, fondly) remember our pre-baby days where we could jaunt off on trips or pop out to a nice dinner at a moment's notice. Now that we're constantly thinking about things like well-child visits, preschool fees and our insane grocery budget, we have to be a little more choosy about our spending. We have to set goals, make a plan and utilize a credit card that actually earns rewards as we spend so that we ensure our little family stays on track while still getting to enjoy the good stuff in life. 

After studying the benefits of the Chase Freedom Unlimited card (hello, it allows us to earn 1.5% cash back on every purchase!) we decided to set a goal to prioritize our marriage. More specifically, we'll be using our cash back credit card to make our plan of a monthly date night a reality. With Justin's work schedule, summer trips and all things baby-related, committing to even a once a month date night will be a huge change for us, and we are so ready to make it happen. 

Chase was excited about our Always Earning journey and sent us a toolkit to help us get started. With the Chase Freedom Unlimited card, even the tiny purchases add up so our Chase family was sweet enough to send us date ideas and some supplies to get us started, like candy and popcorn to create an at home date night when we couldn't land a sitter! 

We honestly can't wait to use our monthly date nights to get to know our new city. Charlotte has so much to offer and we don't get to explore new-to-us neighborhoods as much as we'd like. Justin has requested that we hit up the new axe throwing place and I'm hoping to go somewhere that is silent and has a ton of breakable glasses. So, basically, we're headed to every kiddo free place we can think of! 

In all seriousness, we haven't done a great job of prioritizing our alone time over the past year - what with moving, getting the kids settled into new schools and launching the kindergarten search, we've just let it slide. It won't be easy to carve out the time and energy but we are committed to making it happen.

I can't wait to document and share the dates and adventures we get into throughout the remainder of the year - and I know Chase has some challenges in store for us so we're excited to tackle them together! 
